[ERROR] Failed to execute goal :maven-release-plugin:2.5. The git-push command failed

I’ve already done it for you. Release 1.3.0 is out. You don’t need to do anything else, I’ve posted the link to the CI job and also the link to the modules released in our maven repository.

To release a new version: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Releasing+a+Module+from+Bamboo

To create a new build for a new module: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Configuring+a+Plan+to+Release+from+Bamboo

Yes. The answer should be always yes, no releases should not be done locally unless it’s an emergency (and CI is down) or something very specific.

And this is not OpenMRS specific. This is just industry best practices by now.

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thank you @cintiadr :wink: .