Error exporting metadata through metadata sharing module

@jerome24 Going back to your original post and error log, it’s showing that there are duplicate names:

Concept [id:992 uuid:992AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA] failed validation Caused by: org.openmrs.api.DuplicateConceptNameException: ‘pitiriasis versicolor’ is a duplicate name in locale ‘es’

mds validates incoming concepts for duplicate names (which is invalid). You already have a concept with the Spanish name (locale = ‘es’) of ‘pitiriassis versicolor’. Your log shows a bunch of these duplicate names with different concepts. To test, you can create an mds with that one concept (992) and try to merge with your existing dictionary. It will prompt you to merge them. Maybe they are the same or possibly different concepts.

This will be a long process to merge on 50K concepts.

This seems like a job for OCL. If we can get the process down of uploading a file and matching to existing CIEL concepts, then this could then be subscribed to instead of trying to merge on the server. However, it looks like there could be several different issues here reviewing the thread.