Error creating bean with name 'conversionService': Injection of autowired dependencies failed;

On starting up openmrs sdk, i run into ( creating bean with name ‘conversionService’: Injection of autowired dependencies failed; ) error.This comes after i try to deploy htmlformentry module where i made changes as per this pr Initially,the sdk was starting fine.Full error logs:

This occurs for htmlformentry-3.11.0-SNAPSHOT.omod and htmlformentry-3.10.0.omod

I am running java 8 and mysql 5.7. Will be glad to get some thoughts on solving this thanks. cc @dkayiwa @ibacher @mksd @mogoodrich

Do you get problems when you remove your changes?

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on removing my changes,the sdk still fails with the same error logs

Assuming am doing a fresh setup, what are the exact steps to reproduce this?

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  1. Set up a running instance of openmrs- sdk

  2. Clone and build htmlformentry-3.11.0-SNAPSHOT.omod

  3. Kill the sdk instance so as to start a new one

  4. Drop the existing htmlformentry .omod in the modules folder of the sdk and deploy the one you built

  5. Re -start the sdk

Which version of openmrs?

openmrs 2.3.0

Doesn’t that module require others?

since that module was already existing in a fresh installation which worked,i think having it re deployed wouldn’t make it fail,note This error also came for htmlformentry-3.10.0.omod,which is the same version that exists in the sdk initially

hi @dkayiwa any further insight on this?

Set up the reference application distribution version 2.11.0-SNAPSHOT, using the sdk and see if it works.

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On setting up reference application distribution version 2.11.0-SNAPSHOT, using the sdk i run into::Error: org\openmrs\liquibase\updates\liquibase-update-to-latest-2.0.x.xml does not exist Error while trying to update to the latest database version, i have also some error logs here

@sharif @gcliff could you have come across this error?

@herbert24 not really from my side

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I have seen it before. What were you doing?

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Sure i encountered that error when i was trying to deploy openmrs war in jetty server.

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@sharif what was your work around to get it solved?

Mine was similar to this as suggested here by @dkayiwa, Also was also trying to deploy openmrs-war file using jetty server not sdk

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I encountered the same Issue with Refapp 2.10.0 , after watching two different modules ,a different times. But for some unknown reason i thought , it was a local issue.

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sorry just so your response,i am setting up reference application distribution version 2.11.0-SNAPSHOT, using the sdk,thats when i run into that error!!