Our institution uses it’s own patient ID, so we will like to force everybody to enter this ID, but Bhmni by default generates the ID record number, and you have to Check the Enter ID checkbox to open the field to enter your own ID.
How can I make this field displayed by default? I have tryed adding > ng-model=“checked” ng-init=“checked=true” to the checkbox,and indeed it appears checked but the Registration Number field doesn’t show.
This is how I want to have our registration form showing by defalult:
You can make this filed by default displayed only If you don’t have any identifier sources defined in your database.
In this case, you don’t see the dropdown right beside the Patient Identifier label with Values like “GAN”.
Bahmni currently do not support Manually entered Patient Id Sync to Openelis. Therefore sync fails unless the organization name exists in OpenElis. We have this in our todo list. Will notify you once this feature is built.
You have to login to mysql database and run the following queries
delete from idgen_log_entry;
delete from idgen_seq_id_gen;
delete from idgen_identifier_source;