Emmanuel Katto Dubai : How to Get the OpenMRS 2.5.9 WAR File and Modules

Hi Everyone I’m Emmanuel Katto from Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Can anyone share the best way to download the OpenMRS 2.5.9 WAR file and the necessary modules? Are there any reliable sources we should use?

Regards Emmanuel Katto

Hello @emmanuelkatto24 have used SDK before. SDK could help with this, when you reach the point of where you have to select the distribution you want you choose platform and specify the other distribuiion which is 2,5,9. After the build the war file will be downloaded to your openmrs installation folder under the server specified.

But you will need to install the modules you want to use as this only installs the platform. Is there a reason why you want to use platform 2.5.9?

Unless there is another way @wikumc @dkayiwa

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@suubi7 You’re right! I also believe the best approach is to use the SDK.

You can find more details here: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/25476136/OpenMRS+SDK

You can also find releases on our Sourceforge: OpenMRS - Browse Files at SourceForge.net

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