Ebola Articles & Resources from around the Internet


Ebola Resources Document - 4 pages of links to new articles, blog posts, and academic research on the uses of ICTs in Ebola response. …

Compiled in advance of the DC Technology Salon on How ICTs Can Improve Our Ebola Response,

Top 5 Links

Fighting Ebola: A Grand Challenge for Development. USAID

Provides information and links to new initiatives that are utilizing crowdsourcing in order to come up with ways to stem the ebola epidemic.

Cell Phone Data May Help Predict Ebola’s Spread. Technology Review http://www.technologyreview.com/news/530296/cell-phone-data-might-help-predict-ebolas-spread/ Mobile Data from cell phones shows the strength of connections between different regions and may be able to be used to predict the risk level for spread between regions within West Africa.

West Africa Ebola Outbreak. Relief Web

A website that tries to coordinate and map all the different efforts that are going on during the outbreak. Including news updates and maps.

Ebola Response. Logistics Cluster

Information on how international organizations are coordinating efforts.

Six Ways Technology is Helping to Fight Ebola. Tech Change

Details the six most important ways that technology is being used to fight ebola, including mapping, debunking myths, connecting the sick with their relatives and supporting health care workers.

Blog Posts Mobile Phones Used for Ebola Prevention. iiCD. http://www.iicd.org/articles/mobile-phones-used-for-ebola-prevention Discusses how public awareness is key to stopping the spread of ebola and how mobiles can make this communication more effective.

Ebola Beyond the Headlines. Bill Gates.

Discusses how people stepped in immediately to help with the ebola crises, but that the key is to strengthen medical systems so that this situation doesn’t happen again.

On the contribution of ICTs to overcoming the impact of Ebola. Tim Unwin’s Blog http://unwin.wordpress.com/2014/10/12/on-the-contribution-of-icts-to-ovecoming-the-impact-of-ebola/

Describes a few of the key ways that ICT’s are being used in development and lists some suggestions for ways moving forward.

The Story Behind Ebola. The Chocolate Moose

Looks at the development of a new video about Ebola and its spread, helping those who have loved ones with ebola cope and providing information on preventing its spread.

mHero Updates Health Workers on Ebola in Real Time. IntraHealth http://www.intrahealth.org/page/mhero-updates-health-workers-on-ebola-in-real-tim Providing health care providers with up-to-date, accurate information about the ebola situation is being aided by a the mhero health app.

How Tech Can Help Stop Ebola. 1776 http://1776dc.com/news/2014/10/06/weekly-trend-how-tech-can-help-stop-ebola/ Looks at how big data can be used to predict at risk areas and communicate information.

The Culture Factor: Fighting Ebola with Anthropology. Ebola Deeply. http://www.eboladeeply.org/articles/2014/10/6224/culture-factor-fighting-ebola-anthropology/ This posting discusses the importance that culture plays in determing how to combat a disease and how to relay information. It focuses particularly on bringing communities into a dialogue and finding the right source to relay important information.

The Impact of Open Source Software in the Fight Against Ebola in Liberia. All Africa http://allafrica.com/stories/201410151715.html Provides an assessment of many different open software platforms and the different benefits that they would have for being implemented in an outbreak situation.

Hackers Band Together to Fight Spread of Ebola in West Africa. Nextgov

A hackathon was set up with the goal of using data on the ebola outbreak to develop ideas for how to stop the spread of ebola and to provide better services to those who fall ill.

Life-saving Ebola messages in 160 characters or less. UMC http://www.umc.org/news-and-media/life-saving-ebola-messages-in-160-characters-or-less An Interesting piece on how the United Methodist Church is using their traditional networks of community leaders to relay health information through text message. Universal Doctor Launches Translations4Outbreaks to Translate Information About Ebola. mHealth Competence Center. http://www.mobilehealthglobal.com/in-the-news/news/79/universaldoctor-launches-translations4outbreaks-to-translate-information-about-ebola

News Articles Mobile Tools Could Be Vital in Ebola Fight. Politico

“Article on how UNICEF and IntraHealth are collaborating on a mobile communication system that links to a database of health workers and can send them information (via SMS or other texting) on how to control Ebola and handle misinformation/rumors.”

How Ebola Sped out of Control. Washington Post.

Details the current ebola situation and looks at the recent spread of the disease.

Liberia Pleads for Coordination of Aid in Ebola Fight. CNN

Although donor money and resources are pouring into Liberia there is no coordinated effort and it is unknown where resources are going, and who needs what.

Ebola: Ten Proposals to Engage Religious Actors More Proactively

Discusses ways to more effectively engage local communities in order to help disseminate information about Ebola.

BBC launches WhatsApp Ebola service. BBC.

BBC has launched a WhatsApp designed to target people in West Africa that are using the application. It will allow people to get up to date information on ebola through pictures and text message alerts.

How Radar sources report from deep inside the Ebola crisis. Journalism.co.uk http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/how-radar-sources-report-from-deep-inside-the-ebola-crisis/s2/a562465/ Radar trains journalists around the world in remote areas to report via SMS. They are currently working in Sierra Leone to get more accurate information about what’s going on around the country, outside major metropolitan hubs.

Mobile Phones, Social Media Aiding Ebola Fight. U.S. News http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/10/10/phones-social-media-aiding-in-ebola-fight Social media can be one of the fastest ways to conduct contact tracing in order to slow the spread of the disease.

Mobile Technology Key to Containing Ebola in West Africa. Voice of America http://www.voanews.com/content/ebola-mobile-technology-contacts-tracing-magpi/2477835.html Takes a look at how mobile phones can help those in rural areas get access to information.

Other Resources Case and Death Toll Map. Direct Relief Partners. http://directrelief.maps.arcgis.com/apps/PublicInformation/index.html?appid=28e348f8d312402ab97faaf6dbd057ec Maps the current case and death toll in West Africa, as well as information that has been geotagged from flickr and Youtube.

Ebola Resources. I Lab Liberia. http://ilabliberia.org/ebola-resources/

Training Health Workers for Ebola. mPowering, IntraHealth, Tech Change

WHO Data Coordination Platform - Harmonized Ebola Response https://whodcp.org/


Wow there is a day or two’s reading. Gratifying that people are appreciating the key role of technology in control of the epidemic. What a refreshing change from the near silence regarding technologies role in the cholera epidemic in Haiti.


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Very impressive. Thank you for compiling and sharing this, @ball!