E2E testing Failing in my local

E2E test for editing and Registering patient are failing in my local. The reason of failing tests is update/registration button not getting enabled. I tried multiple times but the tests are still failing. Below are the pastebin of the errors:

@piumal1999 @anjisvj @jayasanka @kdaud

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I am using windows machine and using docker desktop to run the O3 instance. I am running the test on local URL and also tried t with dev url but both are failing.

I am getting this error in the other terminal where I started the local server, here is the pastebin for that.

@ayushmishra Did you test this manually? I mean did you try edit and registration patient with the dev server without an issue?

BTW I assigned you to this issue as requested, [O3-1941] Improve the patient registration and edit e2e tests - OpenMRS Issues

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I am able to register the patient if I am registering them without their phone number and email. But throws error when I am adding email and phone.

[attributes on class org.openmrs.Person => attributeType on class org.openmrs.PersonAttribute]

this is the error which I am getting.

This issue got fixed in the this Pr (fix) O3-1883: Defined `Phone number` field with configuration's Field Configuration by vasharma05 · Pull Request #612 · openmrs/openmrs-esm-patient-management · GitHub.

Now the tests are passing after pulling the latest changes. Thanks for the help.

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