DWRXformsService is not defined in XFroms

I am trying to setup XForms for an OpenMRS deployment. But when I open the xformDesigner, it displayed me this following error, (I used Mozilla Firefox)

Uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (ReferenceError): DWRXformsService is not defined
        at Unknown.isUserAuthenticated(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.$ec(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.f$b(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.LZb(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.UZb(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.M9(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.$9(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.Pv(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.Lx(Unknown source:0)

Could someone please help to resolve this issue?

Does it still happen after you restart tomcat?

After restrating the tomcat, I can use it :slight_smile: Thanks @dkayiwa.

The problem remains for me after restarting tomcat

@magp , have you looked at the HTML from Entry module ??

Yes, however I wanted to work with XForms. My ultimate goal would be to upload an XForm for data entry as documented here, however after creating a new encounter and new form, I do not see the upload Xform link after clicking on the form, which is why I tried to access the designer, in order to see how it would be to create a new one.

What happens when you click the design xform link.

a Window with “Unexpected Failure” and then below the same error as the in the op message:

Uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (ReferenceError): DWRXformsService is not defined
at Unknown.isUserAuthenticated(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.$ec(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.f$b(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.LZb(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.UZb(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.M9(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.$9(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.Pv(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.http://localhost:8080/openmrs%20(Unknown source:0)
at Unknown.Lx(Unknown source:0)

Restart your computer and tell me if you still get the same error.

Yes, I do get the same error.

Which version of the module are you running? And which version of the OpenMRS platform?

Sorry for the delay, forgot to mark this thread as “watching”. The module Xforms has the version 4.3.12 and the platform is the Reference application 2.10.0 mentioned here with the relevant modules because I was having trouble installing the necessary modules myself.

Can you share the full tomcat server side log via pastebin.com?

localhost access log: https://pastebin.com/bdVb2RZ2 localhost: https://pastebin.com/Wx3Q6rj6

There does not seem to be a lot on this particular error (I had some other unrelated errors). Apart from what is seen in the localhost access log and from one of my previous messages there is not more. Unless I am missing some other log file (I checked the manager log, host manager and catalina logs too).

Can we look at the catalina logs?

Today, I am not getting that error anymore though. It is very strange, now I am getting in but with another error:

Uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError): Cannot read property 'i' of null
    at Unknown.$nc(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.ijd(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.hjd(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.ijd(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.hjd(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.cjd(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.ajd(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.Lfc(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.M9(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.$9(Unknown source:0)

catalina: https://pastebin.com/y9LpuYVx (I dont think there is anything error related)

localhost_access log : https://pastebin.com/SyESiGkK

localhost: https://pastebin.com/6MZSN8Ec

Still, do you know why it is not possible to upload XForms anymore? is this intended?

Can you use the Firefox browser and tell us what happens?

It indeed works with firefox browser, thank you, may I ask you how you knew that it would work?

Regarding the upload XForm button, I still do not see it using firefox, has this feature been removed?

I just remembered that i tested using Firefox.

What do you plan to use upload for? Design Xform should be all you need.


I have an XForm, and I would like to test whether it would be possible to just upload the existing form as-is or whether it would not be possible or whether alterations would be necessary to be made in the form, hence my questions.