Does webservices 0.8 support posting of patient?

OpenMRS version: 1.8.2 Webservices version: 0.8.21639

I tried posting a patient with the required fields, but it returned a ConversionException. Full error:

I’m not sure if the webservices 0.8 version doesn’t support the posting of patient, or if my json format is lacking the required data or is has a wrong format. The document only showed that the not-null properties were “person” and “identifiers”. Is this a version webservices version problem, or a formatting problem?


    "person": {
    	"names": [
	    		"givenName": "Inter",
	    		"familyName": "Patient"
	    "gender": "M"
    "identifiers": [
	    	"identifier": "5000000",
	        "identifierType": {
	            "display": "Old Identification",
	            "links": [
	                    "rel": "self",
	                    "uri": ""
	        "location": {
                "uuid": "8d6c993e-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
                "display": "Unknown Location",
                "links": [
                        "rel": "self",
                        "uri": ""

Could there be any reason why you are not using the latest version of the webservices module?