Does Bahmni support Insurance workflows

Hi, I would like to understand if Bahmni-Lite and Bahmni-Standard supports Insurance workflows. If yes, can you please point me to some references / documents on how to verify that workflow. Thanks.

@coimsen Bahmni supports insurance workflows through its integration with OpenIMIS. Please refer to this link

Thanks @akhilmalhotra.

The document says: This integration has not yet been tested with latest Bahmni v1.0 Standard/Lite docker instances, and is not packaged out-of-the-box with Bahmni. This is a community implementation by the NepalEHR team that has customized Bahmni a bit, and written the integration pieces (which are all opensource).

Just curious to know if some efforts are going on to integrate the insurance flow with Bahmni Lite / Bahmni Standard.

I think they have started to work on it. @utsavdeshar @roshanthapa can confirm it.

Thanks @dipakthapa.

Hi @utsavdeshar / @roshanthapa, Can you please confirm that? If work is in progress, is there any expected date for when the Insurance workflows would be available in Bahmni-Lite and Bahmni-Standard?

Yes, we implemented it for our organization, and it’s working fine. If you have any queries, feel free to reach out via email. :blush: Thank you.

Thanks @roshanthapa.

Had sent a private message to you. Can you please share your email id there?
