Diagnosis resource should return formNamespace and formPath on core 2.5+

Hallo community am working on this ticket Log in - OpenMRS Issues Though am a little confused are the changes to be made in core or webservices.rest code or both.

The ticket seems to be for the Webservices.rest but the required changes seem to be made in core. cc: @ibacher @dkayiwa

What exact changes would you want to make in core for this?

In the Diagnosis.java class, I would love to add a get method that should return the formNameSpace and formPath for core 2.5+.

The changes should be in only the Webservices.rest module where you create a omod-2.5 submodule and extend the DiagnosisResource2_2 to add those properties.


@dkayiwa @ibacher @thembo42 @jwnasambu I have created a 2.5 submodule and extended the DiagnosisResource2_2 and added the formNamespace and formPath such that they can be returned. PR: RESTWS-908 Diagnosis resource should return formNamespace and formPath on core 2.5+ by suubi-joshua · Pull Request #577 · openmrs/openmrs-module-webservices.rest · GitHub

Though would need some guidance somehow my changes are not building. Would love your code reviews.

Left thoughts!