OpenMRS 2.1 can be deployed to this environment via Bamboo’s deployment projects, and the environment is currently running the CIEL dictionary (although it might not be the very latest, someone should check).
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I did some work on airplanes over the weekend, and I put this code on the dev server last night.
It’s a mix of some useful patterns to follow, and some random things that should be completely removed. Apologies for coding while tired without planning.
My next step is to add one last placeholder piece of functionality (list of patients by ward) and then focus on actually writing out a vision and the beginnings of a workplan for this project.
Good point. I loaded it, but then Darius refreshed the system using the continuous integration tools. I can reload CIEL and/or we should figure out how to load CIEL from bamboo.
I think the issue is that the Visit Note (in OpenMRS 2.1) still only looks at the ICPC diagnosis sets, and not the full dictionary. This is still slated for being addressed in OpenMRS 2.2, and I don’t think Ebola raises its priority. (I.e. in the ebola use case we aren’t asking people to give the other diagnosis.)
With the exception that “Exposure to Ebola” or “Suspected Case” would be a visit diagnosis that would trigger other actions. We could also do this via the program states correct?
I added a few risk questions to an ETU Admission forms and added via the UI. Obviously it still needs polish – dates of contact, radio button, form and encounter_type uuids added to the htmlform, and adding to the ebola module. But it will give an idea of the ease for the proof of concept and show the additional concepts added by Andy.
Are you in Sierra Leone right now? If so, we’d love to have a meeting. We are loving this proof of concept and want to get a bit of knowledge transfer from you so we could attempt to roll this out in our opening ETUs. You can email me at