Developing the "OCL for OpenMRS" Application

So we are including mappings in the count? I think we should either ignore mappings or be specific (x concepts and y mappings).

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@karuhanga Are we having the final call today?

Yes @c.antwi. I’d neglected to post the reminder.

Hello Community

We shall be having our weekly sync at 15:00 UTC today.

Here is the link to the call

cc: @dkayiwa @c.antwi @akanter @darius @paynejd @paulk @judeatu @sylvaelendu @tejiri4

I joined and didn’t find anyone.

@darius sorry about that, we’ve been transitioning from the OpenMRS university call

We are on the call now…

@darius we have just finished the University session for OCL.

Please join us back on the the same call link

@c.antwi , i wasnt able to join the call. what is the final update about having this work completed? Are we still with the andela team ?? or we need to get another team from the cmmunity to get it to MVP? And what is the status of the OCL in terms of remaining bugs to fix to get to the MVP? Thanks

The order of sources for mapping in priority should be:

  1. CIEL
  3. ICD-10-WHO
  4. ICD-10-WHO 2nd
  5. LOINC
  6. RxNORM
  7. IMO ProblemIT
  8. IMO ProcedureIT
  9. 3BT
  10. ICPC2
  11. AMPATH
  12. PIH
  13. PIH Malawi
  14. org.openmrs.module.mdrtb
  15. CCAM
  16. HL-7 CVX
  17. NDF-RT NUI
  18. MED-RT NUI
  19. NCI Concept Code
  20. FDA Route of Administration
  21. org.openmrs.module.emrapi
  22. HL7 DiagnosticServiceSections
  23. HL7 2.x Route of Administration
  24. HL7 DiagnosticReportStatus
  26. Radlex

Thanks, @akanter let me work on the ticket to sort them in that order.

@karuhanga have you created a beta release for the OCL application?

@mozzy @herbert24


Not yet @c.antwi, that will be done after resolution of;

@judeatu will provide an update on OCLOMRS-714 and we await feedback from @paynejd when the other 2 are complete.


Well noted @karuhanga.

@burke @maurya @paynejd @akanter @darius for your attention and action .

cc @dkayiwa @jennifer

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I will be raising a PR for review in the next hour

The PR is up for this and being reviewed PR

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CIEL import (#148/147) are complete on production, staging, and demo. QA still needs to be completed.

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Here are my current issues:

  1. When creating a new concept the following Name behaviors should occur (MVP+):
  • Type should default to Fully specified for first entry in a language
  • Type should default to Synonym for second entry in the same language
  • Preferred in language should default to NO when there is already a name in the language with preferred set to YES.
  1. Mappings still do not match the list I provided above.

  2. Add “Edit” button on View Concept page (MVP+)

  3. Upon updating of a custom concepts in edit screen, returning to view concepts page did not show the concept at all. I had to click and unclick the custom concept filter to show. (MVP)

  4. Upon reviewing the test dictionary on the OCL site, I saw all 26 concepts (good). When I clicked on the custom concept, I was taken to the andy-test SOURCE. It was not clear how to get back to the collection on the OCL site… (@paynejd might need to think about documentation for this)

hi lincon could you be here?

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Hey @akanter,

Added this to that ticket’s context.

This PR is under review.

Created this ticket.

We noticed this has once again popped up of late. This appears to come from a ~slow update of the search index after a concept is added to the collection(on the backend). We’ll have to add a small delay before making that request to allow the update to complete. Created this ticket as well.

@karuhanga Can you work on bundling and releasing the current application as it is now. We will continue the remaining activities from there.

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