Developing the "OCL for OpenMRS" Application

Thanks @herbert24. I believe most of this were addressed. The ones with pending responses will be addressed in today’s call.

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@karuhang yes surely

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Hello Community

We shall be having our weekly sync at 15:00 UTC today.

Here is the link to the call

cc: @dkayiwa @c.antwi @akanter @darius @paynejd @paulk @judeatu @sylvaelendu @tejiri4

Unfortunately I will not be on the call today. I will review the notes and the ticket status. Have everything listed in the google doc been responded to?

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No, in particular the unresolved comments need attention.

I replied on the doc with some comments for @herbert24 and one for @karuhanga

Hello Community,
Thanks to those that were able to show up for the call. Recordings(here( and here(

Key action points;

  • updating collection should update source as well(mvp)
  • follow up with @paynejd on progress with uploading latest CIEL versions
  • answers should only be visible if the datatype is coded, remove answers if they exist(what about for Q-A concepts?)(mvp)
  • move important sources to top of list(not strictly mvp, very close)- darius will share list
  • add help text on bulk concepts page(commas, spaces, new lines, for example list in spreadsheet) include expected format(id), common use case(sheets)
  • Follow up issue where user credentials do not work after db reset

cc: @dkayiwa @c.antwi @akanter @darius @paynejd @paulk @judeatu @sylvaelendu @tejiri4

@darius added a few comments as well. Kindly take a look.

Hey @akanter, during the last call, we had mentioned identifying classes that are relevant to only concepts to avoid displaying the huge list for filtering. Could you help with this list?

cc. @darius

@darius thanks alot for the comments,they really answered the questions i had around this!!! cc @c.antwi

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Hey Everyone

@waweru has proposed some additional testing approach which may be reusable for other projects;

here is the Roadmap and the direction I think we should take regarding Automated testing, feel free to shout if at all you need any clarification added to the wiki doc.

Comments welcome

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@c.antwi, so we may have to first talk to Trust and see if the team can stay a bit longer say a month to do the tests because he expects us to be getting done and releasing the product this next week.

Are we referring to the list on the view concepts page? All of those classes are potentially relevant. BTW, the site is no longer showing any concepts when viewing the dictionaries (Andy Test or Test Run 1)


Demo seems to be having issues updating the search indices. I raised this with the team(Listing concepts in a collection occasionally returns an empty list · Issue #131 · OpenConceptLab/ocl_issues · GitHub) and we await @raff’s feedback.

The lack of concepts showing up and the fact that coded concepts are not bringing up answers is a big bug. I am worried that code for the answer widget probably was based solely on the question class when any coded concept could have answers.

Hey Andrew,

Still awaiting feedback on this cc. @c.antwi, @paynejd

This PR, build here( disables the coded datatype for pages where one can’t add answers. Kindly take a look. cc. @darius

I don’t think this is what we want to do. We need to be able to create a diagnosis coded concept. If you create a question concept and save, and then re-edit, you can’t change the class to diagnosis, so there is no work around.

Also, having some strange dependency behavior. When I added epilepsy (155) there are three coded concepts: yes/no/unknown as answers. When I add from CIEL, on OpenMRS OCL client)

OpenMRS OCL client

it says that 6 concepts were added. When I added it on demo, it says 3 concepts were added and 12 concepts were skipped!

I was actually thinking we could make use of Create Another kind of concept which allows you to add answers.

Just tried this out. Two observations.


I was actually thinking we could make use of Create Another kind of concept here which allows you to add answers.

Yes! That works! I think that is sufficient!


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And in regards to this?