Developing the "OCL for OpenMRS" Application

past two months?

I don’t understand

It is in your previous communication.

What?? that’s a mistake, am sorry for that

Did you just forget to correct it?

I have worked on it

@darius thank you for your feedback, we have made some adjustments to the UI design. cc @dkayiwa @rubailly @shakira210791 @hadijah315 @christopherkala @waweru

Quick comments here:

  • save space by saying “29 concepts, version 2” on one line.
  • we don’t want to show the # of mappings in the OpenMRS-facing app
  • date created is not very important, and actually it’s misleading. I would get rid of it. (If you want to preserve that effect, which is pretty, use this for the owner.
  • Owner text is bigger than the name itself. Also, maybe say “CIEL (organization)” or “plmercereau (user)” to indicate which is which.

Hi @darius, thank you for your feedback, the cards have been modified.


This is much better

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Below is the link to the sprint planning call

Kyampeire Hadijah{@hadijah315 } Shakira Ndagire Seruwagi {@shakira210791 } Christopher Kalule {@christopherkala } Emmanuel Ndukwe{@emasys } Waweru Mwaura {@waweru } Rurangirwa Bailly {@rubailly }

cc @darius @dkayiwa


Thanks @christopherkala

Listened to most of the demo after I had to leave… and unfortunately couldn’t be on for the discussion about the card results versus table search results. At first, I thought that the cards might have been good since there were visual clues like different colors for different source types, etc. When they all look the same, I don’t think there is any advantage over a more traditional result. Especially when it comes to Concepts, like was said by Darius on the call, this would not work at all. I do think there might need to be some discussion about versioning versus date of publishing, since not everyone would know the relationship between the version number and the date of release.

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Thank you @akanter. But, after the sprint planning that happened yesterday @emasys made changes that were left on one of his previous posts. feedback from Darius concerning sources And we agreed on the table like format to present concepts

Hello @darius hoping that you are enjoying your vacation, I would like to share with you the UI for concepts, maybe you can give me feedback where I need to change. cc @dkayiwa @rubailly

Quick comments:

  • generally good
  • Depending on which workflow this is, don’t need to show the source name (i.e. If we are browsing a source, which is the workflow I want to see first, and thus all concepts are from the same source, don’t waste space with that column)
  • Why is the word wrap on the first column not the same as the full column width?
  • I imagine combining class and datatype into one column would save space
  • Consider making name column a slightly larger font instead of bold.
  • We have usually put the id as the first column
  • As a more realistic example, use the CIEL dictionary (rather than this set of indicators)

Thank you @darius

  • As for the source name, my task was to view all concepts from different sources, therefore the source names are not the same, Its @shakira210791 who is browsing in a given source.
  • For the word wrap I will fix it.
  • I will combine class and datatype.
  • I will work on the name column and ID column too. I will get back to you soon.
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I have worked on the feedback but for the word wrap it appears so because the columns are few when another column is added it will be fine.

I have made all the changes you can check the new uploaded snapshots

I haven’t seen the actual story, so don’t know what the extent of this sprint is. I would think that we’d want to capture more of the functionality we see in OpenMRS now on searching concepts:

  1. Smart search on name so that the most likely term appears first regardless of alpha sort.
  2. If the returned name is not the fully specified name, this should appear as well. Perhaps in another column.
  3. If this is only to select which concepts to potentially add to a subset, I think I would still want to see which maps applied. Darius, I know you suggested SAME-AS only, but a column with something like: SNOMED CT 47475903 (same-as), ICD-10-WHO I34.39 (narrower than), etc. would be helpful.