Hi friends and happy new year!
Am so sorry to bring this out much less as a junior dev. Basing on the dev stages I believe and you will consent with me @slubwama is more than a dev2 though I stand to be corrected just to mention part his achievements to support my thought:
He has supported the development of the UgandaEMR OpenMRS distribution through bug fixing.
Mentored and supported a good number of developers in our community through ugandaEMR bootcamp.
Reviewed and raised a number of pull requests.
Contributed various ideas on a number of our community calls and asynchronous discussions e.g service delivery queues, biometrics implementation in OpenMRS e.t.c.
Helped in the implementation of openmrs in Uganda hospitals and prisons
Concept creation and management
A very neat and articulate communicator just to add on his technical skills.
For that case I kindly request for your time to look into this issue ! thanks in advance and kindly forgive me where I have messed up.