Design Time for Architecture proposal: Modules and Verticals

Continuing the discussion from Propose a Design Forum Topic:

Description: @bistenes drafted a proposal for OpenMRS architecture, about which there is an ongoing talk thread. He advocates defining a single, universal configuration mechanism. This will encourage better software practices, make OpenMRS easier to use, and strengthen the community’s ability to support it. He would like to solicit community feedback so that it can evolve to be something with enough force and buy-in behind it to make it happen.

Required Attendees: @mksd @mogoodrich @dkayiwa @mseaton @burke @darius ( Please take the Doodle poll below in the next 24 hrs )

Desired Dates: Next available time slot

@mksd and @bistenes it looks like @mseaton, @mogoodrich and @dkayiwa can do Jan 23 and 28. @burke will be available Jan 23 but not Jan 28. Can you take the poll or let me know which day works better for you?

Thanks for the reminder however I really can’t make it at all on those dates/times. Sorry about that. Happy to do it if it were later in February.

Thanks @mksd. @bistenes I know you mentioned wanting to do this ASAP do you want to wait until Feb or go ahead with next Wednesday?

Let’s go ahead this Wednesday. We’ll probably need another call later on anyway.

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