Design forum to discuss more patientsearch filters

We have a requirement to add both gender and age filters to the patientSearch widget documented and addressed at:

Can we have a design discussion on having more patient filters supported by

5, 10, 12 dates this month seem available slots


@k.joseph Thanks for bringing this up - I would also like to jump onto this and add a few more requirements hopefully which can also be looked into:

  1. Additional Filter by encounter types

  2. Additional Filter by birth date (does this handle the age with estimates) and death date ranges - one would say this is covered in the Cohort builder, but this is the patient search not cohorts

  3. Ability to display multiple identifiers - currently OpenMRS ID is shown with the Global property values of emr.primaryIdentifierType and emr.extraPatientIdentifierTypes

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@k.joseph, please ask this on

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hello !! I would look forward to work with you @k.joseph for patient search criteria module … addition of face recognition , blood groups,kind of diseases could also be used as alternate filters although age and gender being the basic ones. Is there any pre - Gsoc task under the same ?

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hi and welcome, sure, there’s. start from:


Hi, just had a look to this issue: TRUNK-5422 My understand is: The filter regarding gender and age should take place at another module. So basically that issue is deprecated and can be closed right?

thanks @fruether you could actually add a comment on the ticket of what you think