Design Forum 2016-08-10: OPEN FORUM

Wednesday’s design forum is currently OPEN for design. If you have a topic you would like to discuss please let me know and join us from 6-7pm UTC.

The next design forum will be on Monday, August 15 from 4-5pm UTC - OPEN FORUM

Jamie, Can I request this slot for OpenMRS - DHIS2 module Disaggregation.

of course. is there anyone we should notify?

It would be good to have an insight from the technical leads - @burke, @darius, @dkayiwa, @wyclif, @raff

Maurya, is this topic on the design forum for today? Dialed in late–maybe it got postponed?

@terry, yes this is for today, the call is at 2PM-3PM EST, 6PM -7PM UTC.