Debugging PACS HL7 message before and after entering atomfeed


I am trying to debug the way Radiology orders that go from Bahmni EMR through atomfeed and then to the X-Ray Machine. My main goal to this point is that I want to know what is the difference between the HL7 before entering atomfeed (marked with green 1) and the HL7 after exiting atomfeed and going to the X-Ray machine using HAPI (marked with red 2).

Two interest points:

  1. If you know what is that, I’d be grateful if you share.
  2. If possible, please suggest me a way to test it by myself and see the path of the communication (details of the message and changes during the way)


Yes, I replied on slack. the picture you have drawn is right.

  1. A modality can interface directly with PACS via standard HL7 protocol. So the Obs and images can be uploaded automatically.
  2. Oviyam2 as a viewer uses WADO-RS with ORD number to fetch and show the image.