dcm4chee and dcm4chee archieve

Hello, please i am trying to setup a PACS server for a RIS. I came across dcm4chee but have some doubts i wish to clarify. I noticed we have dcm4chee and dcm4chee archieve and on the official dochs here https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ee2/overview?homepageId=2555906 there are talking of the dcm4chee and here https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/lib/overview?homepageId=3964950 and https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/lib/overview?homepageId=3964950 they are talking of the archieve. Please can someone help me clarify the clear difference and which one to follow. currently i am following the main dcm4chee.