@bharatak, I feel like you are onto something more important than it seems here. Developing features so that not only the module but its UI is shipped as ‘distribution independent’ (albeit perhaps primarily aimed at Bahmni in the case of the Data Quality Dashboard) should ideally be part of OpenMRS development guidelines.
On the OMOD side, we have made our new VDUI module as a set of UI components (Angular components) because we knew that we would port this to Bahmni eventually. However we wanted it to be Ref App friendly for starters. So right now we have got a few GSP pages and fragments that just wrap those components to get it all going where it has to within the Ref App. But since we have Angular components, we would be really interested to see how this has to be organised (perhaps using OWA as you said) so that we get as close as possible to a situation where the module can be installed on either the Ref App or Bahmni and just functions in both.
We would be more than happy to contribute, perhaps document in the wiki as it goes… etc.
Anyone, thoughts, suggestions?