Dark Mode, please! 🌙

Hey folks,

As a dev and doctor, I spend way too much time staring at screens, and light themes just don’t cut it anymore. I know I’m not alone—this can be tough on everyone’s eyes, especially for those working long hours.

What do you think about a dark mode for OpenMRS? It’s not just about comfort; it’s about taking care of our community’s health too. Who’s with me?

Let’s make it happen! :new_moon:



Hi Filipe!

Thank you for raising this! We’ve certainly heard (and seen!) a lot about screen fatigue… particularly when looking at the screen over prolonged periods or using OpenMRS at night, in IPD, for example.

We host a weekly Design Office Hours call which I think would be a good forum to start a discussion on what this project might look like and to take some soundings from our developer community. I’ll add it to the agenda for this week and will provide an update in this thread afterwards.

Cheers, Paul


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply and for adding this topic to the Design Office Hours agenda! I was wondering how the discussions went and if there are any updates or next steps regarding the project.

Looking forward to hearing more! :blush:

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Would it be possible to implement a dark mode for the Wiki and forum as well? I’ve been spending a lot of time studying these days, and the bright white screens can be quite tiring after 10+ hours a day. A dark mode would make the experience much more comfortable!

Thanks for considering this! :blush: @grace

Dark mode is already available on the OpenMRS wiki. Simply click on your profile icon in the top-right corner and select “Dark” under the theme options.


I don’t think so. Or maybe it’s a bug! Who is responsible for the Wiki configurations?

Then, it is most likely a bug.

hey @filipelopes have u had a look at the below ?

Yeap. But it’s not about it. It’s been working like that since I first accessed it last year.

thanks doctor Filipe Lopes, indeed prevention is better than cure,ready to join you on that trip to safety

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You need to be logged in to change the theme in Atlassian products, and to login to the OpenMRS Jira or Wiki, you need to use your @id.openmrs.org account (the user name is the same as you use to login to Talk). We don’t support external/unmanaged user accounts in Atlassian currently.

I should also add that you need to explicitly request access to Jira and the Wiki via this form.

The issue with dark mode on the Wiki might indeed be related to having two different emails registered. I use one email for Talk and Academy, and another for the other platforms. How can I manage my OpenMRS ID to unify everything under one email without losing my history?

That said, my initial concern was specifically about Dark Mode in the O3 interface styles. While the Wiki and Talk are adjacent to the problem and equally important, the primary focus was on the O3 UI itself.

Looking forward to your guidance!

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So, for Atlassian stuff, you should type filipelopes@id.openmrs.org as the username. That should redirect you to our SSO server to login, but like I said, you need to request access to Jira and the Wiki (we have a manual step mostly because we want to prevent spam on either of those services).