Creating Visit Note


Am using 2.x to create a visit note, there is this notification which pops up that unexpected error. Please check system administrator. Could anyone be knowing what am doing wrong.


Screenshot from 2022-06-04 02-45-07

You’re on the right track. Look at the log file (catalina.out) for clues about the problem.

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Oh, Yes I have seen the issue in the error log

Does this happen on qa server ?

No, It doesn’t. It exists in 2.11 ref app server. Am actually running on QA server now deployed using docker.

Which version of MySQL are you running?

Am running on (mysql Ver 8.0.28 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)

Is there any reason why you are using such an old version of the refapp?

I had install 2.12 but has got this error Screenshot from 2022-06-05 21-36-09

A server side log would help.

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