I am Maciej Neumann and I am the Foundation Leader of SolDevelo Social Impact, foundation created by SolDevelo. I work with Jakub Sławiński on various projects, that want to use technology for creating something beneficial for the society. We know that one of the best ways we can do that is by helping OpenMRS. SolDevelo collaborates with this project for quite some time now and going to do that still in the future - especially now, thanks to grant from Digital Square for OpenSync 2.0.
We found another opportunity for funding, that could be very helpful for OpenMRS. Open Technology Fund created by Radio Free Asia and Broadcasting Board of Governors announced “Core Infrastructure Fund”:
Open Technology Fund is focused on issues of access, privacy, security and awareness. Core Infrastructure Fund was created to “fortify the foundational components of demonstrably important technology relied upon by people in repressive countries” and to “strengthen internet freedom and digital security”.
We think that we could use this fund to help OpenMRS project with digital privacy and data protection issues. Especially now, because of new law that comes into effect it European Union (GDPR). About two years ago students from University of New York Computer Science created a report about security in OpenMRS.
We could use this opportunity to address issues pointed out in this report and do complete overhaul of data protection in OpenMRS.
Core Infrastructure Fund offers financial help from 5.000$, up to even 300.000$. Deadline for applying is 23:59, 30th June, so we have some time.
Open Technology Fund has a very specialized mission that they want to accomplished with their money, so besides technical description, we would have to emphasize in our proposal, how strengthening the security of medical data base would help people in repressive countries (for example, how protecting HIV/AIDS medical records can potentially help sexual minorities). If we write this proposal in a right way, we think there is a good chance for us to get this fund.
We would like to propose to apply for this grant as a consortia of three institutions:
-OpenMRS, who would do the audit of security in the OpenMRS and choose the privacy and security strategy for the project
-SolDevelo, who would do all the technical implementation of the strategy (programming etc.)
-SolDevelo Social Impact Foundation, who would coordinate the project and do other, more minor things (meeting planning, marketing etc.)
Of course this is only the initial proposition, we can always discuss it.
I would like to hear your opinions and ask, how would you envision digital security overhaul in OpenMRS?
In this proposal we have to emphasize how stronger data protection for OpenMRS will help people in repressive countries, so I also want to ask you about some examples and cases.