Congratulations to Members with new Dev Stage updates!

Without further adeui, we are so happy to announce the second cohort of stage upgrades in 2024! :clap: :mortar_board: :partying_face:

Each of you are contributing such important, remarkable work to our community - from your leadership, to your development work, to how you engage with others in the community :slight_smile: Keep up the great work, you are all appreciated!! :bouquet: :pray: :bowing_man:


How do I get a Dev Stage update?

Community members can apply any time to be recognized with a β€œStage” (eg Dev Stage, PM Stage, OMRS Community Member Stage, etc), using this form. Then approximately monthly, the Global Support Team reviews the submissions and checks the suggestions against Our Dev Stage Criteria . Don’t be shy - you can also ask for feedback on how you could get closer to the stage you’re hoping for :slight_smile: You can also nominate someone else! In fact, almost everyone in this cohort was nominated by someone else! :slight_smile:


Congratulations everyone for the new dev stages :clap: :clap:


Thank you @grace for this highlight. Congratulations devs :clap: :clap: :clap: . Having closely worked with the following folks too, I can think of @achachiez and @corneliouzbett being dev5 and dev4 respectively. They have mentored some folks in the community helping them grow in their skills, contributed, supported and helped OpenMRS grow in it’s various software distributions flavours. :slight_smile:


Thank you @ruhanga, great suggestions! Please complete the dev stage recommendation form for them so this doesn’t get missed - seems like you have all the info needed; should take a few mins only :slight_smile:

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