ConceptResource 'name' property not correctly handled by the available converter

Hi all,


The appModelContext, holds reference to patientPrograms at-least on the patient clinicianfacing dashboard context. As part of work on AF-59, we want to consume the available patientPrograms property. However, the patientPrograms was serialized to a SimpleObject format and in the process de-serializing it back(java), conversion of the associated concepts fails: See in unit test below

public void testConceptConverter() {
    // Setup
	List<Concept> concepts = Context.getConceptService().getAllConcepts();
	List<SimpleObject> serialisedData = (List<SimpleObject>) ConversionUtil.convertToRepresentation(concepts, Representation.DEFAULT);
	List<Concept> deserialisedData = new ArrayList<Concept>();
    // Replay
	for (SimpleObject obj : serialisedData) {
		// Fails here
		// The converter seems to treat property as a String, hence will fail to find the `ConceptName` converter to process the name
		deserialisedData.add((Concept) ConversionUtil.convert(obj, Concept.class));

View on github here.

The Issue

Canā€™t de-serialize a concept from itā€™s SimpleObject Representation to java using the available utility method: ConversionUtil.convert(...)(converter handler under the hood). The above test fails with this error.

Bug Explained

The conversion utility method that serializes a concept works based on the DelegatingResourceDescription depending on the Representation, like you can see, it contains a name property which is a SimpleObject and not a string value(see here ). Thatā€™s how we end-up with the nameā€™s property value as an object(Simple object map of name properties) and not a string value.This becomes an issue when de-serialising, the converter looks at the setter method of the property itā€™s currently processing to determine the target datatype we are converting to, for the case of the name property, it will try to converting it to the String type/class; Since the name value is an instance of a map , it will look for a converter of type String which of course doesnā€™t exist hence the failing(see here)

Possible Fix

We need to have an end to end compatibility of these two operations ie. Serializing a Resource to its Representation and de-serializing it back by the same API.

  • I would put a String value, (Either the nameā€™s ā€˜uuidā€™ or ā€˜actual name valueā€™ or ā€˜something betterā€™) here.

  • Support more than one property setter depending on the candidate methodā€™s(this could be one of the setters of the same property) signature(Using reflection, we can inspect a methodā€™s parameters and compare it with the current property value of instance we are processing)
    See pseudo code below:

	 * Sets the name property to be the fully specified name of the Concept in the current locale
	 * <p>
	 *   This will be invoked if property value is an instanceof String
	 * @param instance
	 * @param name
	public static void setFullySpecifiedName(Concept instance, String name) {
		ConceptName fullySpecifiedName = new ConceptName(name, Context.getLocale());
	 * This would be invoked if the property value is an instanceof a Map
	 * @param instance
	 * @param name
	public static void setFullySpecifiedName(Concept instance, ConceptName name) {

ā€“> 2 may introduce a slightly major change in the way @PropertySetter annotations are processed while 1 is minor and simpler.

NB: This is the same issue that happens for other properties like concept.answers.


/cc: @mksd, @mogoodrich, @dkayiwa

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@dkayiwa this is wrong IMO:

public static void setFullySpecifiedName(Concept instance, String name) {
  ConceptName fullySpecifiedName = new ConceptName(name, Context.getLocale());

This is not ok, it always assumes that the target locale is that out of the userā€™s session, aka Context.getLocale(). There is no way to specify the locale for the FSN being set.

My take is that this should be deprecated in favour of a setter that takes a ConceptName as an input, but obviously that might break a lot of existing code out there (or not).

Anyone, thoughts? @burke, @ibacher, @mogoodrich, @mseaton @wyclif

@samuel34 will explore a little what itā€™d take to make REST WS able to analyse the best match out of multiple possible @PropertySetter candidates when deserializing.

@mksd Shouldnā€™t the approach be (if I remember what I have seen somewhere)

  1. Fully specified name for Locale (defined) - one should not be able to have multiple FULLY specified names for the same Locale
  2. Short name for Locale
  3. Description

@ssmusoke youā€™re stating business rules that may or may not be appropriate given an implementation context. But neither Bahmni nor the Ref App currently follows this guideline anyway.

What Iā€™m saying is that the REST WS support for deserializing the name property of Concept is making an assumption that it shouldnā€™t.

@mksd @samuel34 thanks!

Yes, @mksd I agreed that this method should really be:

	public static void setName(Concept instance, ConceptName name) 

But like you said, I donā€™t have a good sense of the potential ramificationsā€¦ at PIH I know of no case where we actually are updating concepts via the REST endpoint, so itā€™s possible that there will be no ramifications, butā€¦ :slight_smile: Weā€™d also have to figure out exactly what the above method should doā€¦ assumedy look for any names within the concept with that uuid and update if found, and then add otherwise?

Iā€™d be fine with (cautiously) doing some testing around this.

Also, looking at the Concept resource I see that the ā€œnameā€ property is not creatable but is updatable. Since ā€œnameā€ is really a convenience reference more than anything else, I donā€™t know if it would make sense to make it non-updatable?

Take care, Mark