Compatibility of Bahmni Mart with Non-Bahmni openMRS System

Hello Community,

We are currently exploring options to expose and flatten data from our existing openMRS-based EMR system for data analytics purposes. We are considering Bahmni Mart as a potential solution for this task.

We understand that Bahmni Mart is a standalone batch application, and we have attempted to set up the project locally using Docker. However, we have encountered issues when we try to run the project and try to connect with our local databases.

Before we get deeper into troubleshooting these issues, we would like to clarify whether Bahmni Mart can be used with our existing non-Bahmni openMRS-based system with minor configuration adjustments, or if it is tightly coupled with the Bahmni EMR system.

We have reviewed the resources available on the Bahmni Wiki and GitHub repository, but they have not provided the necessary guidance for our specific case.

Any insights, guidance, or workflow documents you could share on how to proceed with setting up Bahmni Mart for our data analytics needs would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

CC: @abdisha @dagimm @afewerki

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Bahmni Mart as it exists today is a bit coupled to Bahmni (so won’t work out-of-the-box with vanilal OpenMRS that is not running Bahmni modules).

  1. Bahmni MART has ability to read Bahmni Form Data and flatten it in a way that each form is mapped to a new Table, and each form filled instance is a new row in that table. This makes it very easy to query/report on Form data (similar to how Google Form data looks in excel). This will need modifications to support OpenMRS Form schema.

  2. Bahmni MART also refers to Bahmni Atomfeed tables (Markers) to detect Delta changes. This will also not be available in vanilla OpenMRS.

I will let @binduak and @angshuonline provide more inputs.

All Bahmni MART Documentation:


@gsluthra Thank you for sharing insights into Bahmni Mart’s current dependencies.

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And just in case you find this useful: MambaETL v1.0.0 Released! 🎉

Sure. Will definitely check it.