Common questions regarding GSoC project proposals.

Hello all mentors! I am Vineet Sharma, India and I have some questions regarding project proposals to be submitted for GSoC 2021. I hope the mentors will like to answer my queries. (P.S. I have read the proposal guidelines before writing this post.)

My questions are specific to projects under Modernizing Admin functions for OpenMRS

  1. What are your expectations, except the usual proposal guidelines, that should be present for specific to the intended projects in the proposed proposal?
  2. Do we need to apply to a single option under Modernizing Admin functions for OpenMRS or can we apply for multiple projects as well?
  3. Do we need to propose designs for the project(zeplin or adobe xd, following carbon design components and guidelines) or are the made already and we’ll be implementing those designs?

Please accept my apologies, if you find my questions silly. Any suggestions given, will do great to me.

Thanks & Regards, Vineet Sharma

cc: @mozzy @sharif

Thanks @vasharma05 , for expressing intrest.
You’re expected to apply to one single project/option under the Modernizing admin functions and also you can propose a design following carbon design components and guidelines

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Thank You @mozzy for answering my queries. Any suggestions you want to give will do the honours.

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