com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'diagnosis0_.rank' in 'field list'

Hi, my server stop working but i had the backup so i restore my database and everything is working except the search when click on it to find the patient and write the patient name i find nothing and when i click on the the name displayed on screenshoot i get this error below

@ibacher , @dkayiwa , @ruhanga , @herbert24 Any idea on how to solve it.

Thank you

Which OpenMRS platform version are you running?

@dkayiwa reference application 2.10

I restore de backup in another server version 2.10 i get this error, anyone got the same issue ?

can you share your log errors if possible in pastebin

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@josephbate here is the log: - #1 paste tool since 2002!

you’ve shared unempty link i dont see any error logs :worried:

@josephbate sorry here is the log Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract Result -

hello @ornella i think your encountering a non-existing or renamed attributed in either pojo class or the data-base

  1. Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column ‘diagnosis0_.rank’ in ‘field list’

i might suggect you review the specific class in which this attribute exist according to the version your runing or the uptodate version to check for any naming convetion changes and adjust acordingly or maybe use the current version

i believe that may solve the problem

but still either way you need to find out what changes were made so you can check for that on the github account OpenMRS · GitHub