Cohort Builder Sprint #2

Overview: We’re created the UI for the Cohort Builder tool. We now want to connect it to the backend to make requests and pull data. By the end of this sprint, users should be able to make searches via the Cohort Builder tool against the database. You can see the UI at Login and click on Cohort Builder. :blush:

Objectives Connect the UI to be backend via the Reporting REST module. Pull Data from the backend Make searches against the backend.

Start Date: 24/02/2017 End Date: 10/03/2017

JIRA Board:

Github Repo: (master branch)

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Shouldn’t you be using for the work in progress demo instead? Where exactly do I find the Cohort Builder I need to click?

Hi Rafal.

I basically used that one because it had “demo” in the name. I can upload it on as well. On Login you’ll see the Cohort Builder Link on the homepage.

I don’t see the Cohort Builder link on the homepage (logged in as admin)…

I’m just getting back from vacation, and I’m wondering: did we do a demo/showcase/retro for this sprint? Is there Sprint #3 underway?

Hi @darius, hope you had a great vacation? We haven’t organized a demo for this sprint due to the blocker we faced with searching the database. We’ve finished the first phase of the sprint which has to do with retrieving of values for the form fields. We just got a good grip of what we need to do for the second phase and we’ve started working on it so hopefully by Friday we should have some of the searches working.

@femi, good to know about the current progress, and I’m looking forward to seeing it soon!

I strongly suggest that we strictly stick to the standard agile scrum approach and ceremonies. That means that every two weeks we have an iteration/sprint and every two weeks we have a showcase, even if there’s not much to show.

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