Case study: Partners In Health/Zanmi Lasante EMR

The Partners In Health (PIH) program in Haiti, known locally as Zanmi Lasante (ZL), operates clinics and hospitals at 12 sites across the Central Plateau and the lower Artibonite, two of the country’s poorest regions. Zanmi Lasante connects vulnerable people in Haiti to comprehensive primary care services and HIV prevention while working in support of the Ministry of Health’s goal of universal treatment coverage. Across all of our sites, PIH/ZL is prioritizing investing in systems that support high-quality, longitudinal care for our patients.

Since 2009, OpenMRS implementations have been introduced for MDRTB, Primary Care, Physical Rehabilitation, and Mental Health at ZL health facilities. PIH/ZL expanded the stable, point-of-care OpenMRS EMR utilized at University Hospital at Mirebalais to our supported clinics at Thomonde Health Center in Thomonde, Haiti and Lacolline Health Center in Lascahobas, Haiti.

The full story…Partners In Health / Zanmi Lasante EMR

Thanks to the a great team effort from the Zanmi Lasante team + @mogoodrich @cioan @ddesimone @mseaton @darius @hamish


In 2001, Partners In Health (PIH) built an EMR for HIV patient data in Haiti. Although the software was free and open-source, it wasn’t built with a community or easily customizable. When PIH @hamish and Regenstrief @burke @paul met in 2004, the need for a free and open-source EMR was clear. OpenMRS was designed, developed, and supported by the wisdom of a global community.

Since then, OpenMRS has grown and learned from places like Haiti, Kenya, and Rwanda. PIH has deploy OpenMRS in Haiti, Rwanda, Malawi, Lesotho, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mexico, Peru, and Kazakhstan.

In May 2021, we deployed a replacement HIV system in OpenMRS along with migrating 21 years of data. This final migration to OpenMRS is a cause for celebration.

Case study: Zanmi Lasante HIV EMR

The PIH program in Haiti, known locally as Zanmi Lasante (ZL), operates clinics and hospitals at 12 sites across the Central Plateau and the lower Artibonite, two of the country’s poorest regions. Zanmi Lasante connects vulnerable people in Haiti to comprehensive primary care services and HIV prevention while working in support of the Ministry of Health’s goal of universal treatment coverage. Across all of our sites, PIH/ZL is prioritizing investing in systems that support high-quality, longitudinal care for our patients.

Gratitude to the OpenMRS and PIH communities including @mseaton @darius @mogoodrich @cioan @ddesimone @jmbabazi @akanter