I’ve installed OpenJDK 8 & MySQL 5.7 in my PC but can’t run the app. I’ve attached the pic. Full error is in this pasbin link : Ref App Error
Hi, Snigdho!
I was also facing this error in the beginning. I tried many solutions but nothing worked for me. Then i installed the app on my other PC and it worked for me. You can also try installing it on any other PC
If you can’t install on any other one then try some solutions. You can also check your runtime properties under this folder ./{WEBAPP NAME}-runtime.properties for current directory
or {WEBAPP NAME}_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES_FILE for environment variables. Re-extracting your RA can also make you step a head
But if you have any other PC then my first recommendation is that try installing on that
OK . I’ll try.
@saadkhaleeq may be ,that is his “other” pc
@snigdho did you add or remove or upgrade any module ??
No. Oracle JDK 13 was previously installed in my PC.
Run the command java - version
in the terminal and share the output
Usually when a higher java version is installed , it overrides the older version.
Delete the already existing unzipped package, and do a fresh unzipping of the standalone and run the file named “openmrs-standalone.jar”
cc: @snigdho
The problem is fixed. Ran it in another PC. BTW, submitted the issues of this task : https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4798272917471232/
Please review the issues when you have time.
@snigdho it sounds to be a plan B solution. If you had time, I recommend you do what I mentioned earlier on the same pc where the exception occurred and share the outcome!.
As developers, we always look at solving blockers through finding out possible causes and look out for the most appropriate solution
OK. I’ll let you know about it.
Solution of this problem is to install JDK 8 in your system. If you have any other version of JDK, then you need to uninstall it. Moreover, there is no need to install MySQL server.
What a finding @snigdho! I love for your enthusiasm.