can't acces to openmrs

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@jwnasambu I am also having the same issue

I have added the missing Name Phonetics omod file, Still getting the above error

Sorry about this! Kindly share what you were doing before getting this error?

Initially I have only legacy ui module in my modules folder, That time I am able to view some basic view and login page.

after that I have added all the modules(addons) that I have downloaded from

I have downloaded the Name Phonetics also by seeing this issue solution, I have restarted the server and deployed.

Still getting the same error.

Just wondering if during installation you were able to change the extension to .jar, and include them as a resource in your own module!

@ravi It looks like you are using the (as yet unreleased) platform 2.4. You’ll need to actually checkout the source code for the namephonetics module and change the moduleApplicationContext.xml and webModuleApplicationContext.xml file or else just change to using the (released) platform 2.3.