I’m pretty new with all open source. I had recently started exploring what OpenMRS does and all.
Right now, I’m setting up the environment.
I had cloned the git repo of openmrs-core from : https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-core
I followed the instructions given in the manual and have set up the eclipse ide and required tools.
But when I try to perform mvn clean install, I’m constantly facing this issue
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.1:compile
\api\src\main\java\org\openmrs\ObsPostLoadEventListener.java:[14,23] error: package javax.annotation does not exist
I tried the quick fix suggested for 1 from the manual - installing “Maven Integration for Eclipse” from eclipse marketplace. I don’t understand the second because if I try to add a new dependency which it says missing then it gives many more errors.
I am getting exactly same error as asked in the question. Pretty new to OpenMRS and trying to setup the environment. Earlier I had JDK14 then I downgraded to 8 I suppose, following version info
java version “1.8.0_241”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode)
Still am getting the error. Is above java version ok?
Dear Ian,
Got the right JDK downloaded again n reinstalled it. Build successful! yet to explore OpenMRS further. Thanks a lot again!
Best Regards,
[INFO] Reactor Summary for OpenMRS 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT:
I’m using Eclipse 2022-03 which includes/requires Java 14. Do I have to maven compile from command line, and make sure maven uses a JDK 8? It’s very inconvenient.