I have the SDK installed following the instructions (platform 2.6, Linux, Java 8, MySQL 5.X) and am trying to develop a new module. I kept it simple at first (a new table and a gsp page displaying the table contents) and it worked. But now that the module is getting more complex, I get errors where I just don’t know what the cause might be.
What I get is a log file like this:
You can see that starting from line 818, the server fails to load basic classes without that my module “testproject” is even mentioned.
In line 991, there is an interesting “Failed to obtain JDBC connection” error. How my module could cause a failing database connection is not clear to me. I only have one runtime properties file containing the connection parameters on my machine and I have verified that it is the one used by the server, with or without deploying my module (when I remove the properties file, it is clearly indicated in the log file). In addition, I can see that the tables defined in my module’s liquibase file are correctly created in the database. It seems this is not a db connection problem, despite the message.
Removing my module helps (no errors in the log files). Restarting or reinstalling the server doesn’t help.
At this stage I don’t want to ask you to debug my module for me, but do you have an idea what I could check next or how I could make the log files more meaningful?
Sorry for this late reply. Unfortunately, I cannot share the module at the moment. However, I managed to somehow identify the source of the problem by reinstalling the server, removing all modules, and then adding them one by one until the error appears.
For server 2.14-snapshot, I discovered that the SDK setup installs version 2.17-snapshot of the reporting module. The server was not able to load this version (bean creation error) and even the demo module created by the SDK failed. It works with reporting 2.16.
Now, one could argue that choosing 2.14-snapshot was not a good idea, but I found similar problems with other server versions, for example with 2.12.2, although it was not always the reporting module that caused the problem. And sometimes, the problem only appeared when I added my own test module (which only consists of a page+controller, a service, and dao).
What I learned from this is that it is really difficult to find a working combination of module versions and it’s even more difficult to debug such problems. And not all modules declare all their dependencies (sometimes, you just get a class-not-found error somewhere in the logs instead of a missing dependency message).
I ran 2.14-SNAPSHOT and didn’t encounter any errors. It’s possible that this issue is specific to your module, but it’s hard to say for sure without more details. Could you share the steps to reproduce the error?