After deployment I have been seeing an error and I cannot undeploy and deploy again to avoid it. I don’t know if it’s because of it but I was able to deploy it once, and able to install modules. It was the only thing that I could do, but I think that is the only thing one can do after deploying, and with modules one can then do more right? Anyway, after deploying, I installed a lot of modules from the reference-addons-2.10.0 until one eventually crashed the server showing a 500 error in red on the top right corner (do not remember exactly the error). Afterwards I tried to log out and back in, or undeploy and deploy again but with no success. The war file I downloaded is the Platform 2.3.1 WAR (for Enterprise) from the main page and the add ons are the Reference Application 2.10.0 Addons.
Yes. I want to run the application with and without data (mostly without) so that I know what one would need to configure in order to setup openmrs from scratch, and then test functionality. The farthest I came was to the add on screen, without anything else, but I think I have to install every add on in the reference addon directory to have the functionality to add patients, locations and so on right?
This is what I see after the installation wizard, with not demo data. But right now I can’t do nothing else other than adding modules. Which is the reason why I am installing the ones in the reference addon folder, as I assume I can test the tool when having the add ons installed (like adding patients, forms and so on). But some of the modules break the whole with the error pasted above. An example for that, which happened just now is the addon “idgen-4.5.0”.
You dont have to install a single module one by one.
simply deploy the Reference Application war package , The war file contains all Reference Application modules, which simplifies the enterprise setup. it has both the platform and all Reference Application modules packaged into one war file.
This helped, thank you. If I were to use the other war files from the openmrs page, just to have a deployment from scratch (where I would see something only like the screenshot above) would I only need to add addons in order to come as far as the reference application war package ? with ability to add patients, locations and so on?
I’ve Ever faced the same challenge when using the WAR file but when I installed OpenMRS using the SDK as described here
everything became easy and could access all the modules straight away.
you can try it just in case.