Can anyone point me to the code for Implementation of Provider Module in the Web App

Hi everyone,

Can anyone please point me to the code for implementation of Provider Module in the Web App? I need to see how the APIs are being called for Adding, Editing and Deleting Providers.

I have succeeded in getting all the Providers but when calling the Retire API, I receive a Success call but the Provider isn’t retired. API:

@f4ww4z, @burke, @dkayiwa

cc @mogoodrich . This is the current API call.

Hey @deepak140596 how do you the provider isn’t retired.? I have checked calling the API through the PostMan and checked it on my localhost it works well.

http://localhost:8080/openmrs/admin/provider/index.htm This shows all the non retired providers. clicking on any provider you can see his details.

please check this would be helpful.

@deepak140596 didn’t this help in working out your problem ?

Yes @vankineenitawrun. We solved this problem. Now we are implementing the Provider Dashboard.