Thanks @kristopherschmidt for researching and pointing out some of the things that are going to be problematic, especially taglibs.
Taking a step back, though, I think the purpose of this summer project is to see if we can pull all reference to the legacy UI out of openmrs-core entirely, so that it ends up “clean” so it would be much better if we can avoid special-casing the legacyui module within core code.
Back to the details…Tharunya, when you say this…
when the URL directs to core from the module we get an exception
I think there may be a specific piece you’re missing: in reality the idea of a “core” url vs a “module” url is just by convention, but the way that Spring handles url mappings, the core ones are not actually special.
Burke probably used “redirect” in his descriptions of the project, but no actual redirection needs to happen. The task is actually moving the functionality.
For example you should be able to take this mapping out of openmrs-servlet.xml, and move it verbatim to your module’s webModuleApplicationContext.xml:
<prop key="admin/patients/patient.form">patientForm</prop>
To go along with this, you also need to move the “patientForm” bean to your module:
<bean id="patientForm" class="org.openmrs.web.controller.patient.PatientFormController">
<property name="commandName"><value>patient</value></property>
<property name="formView"><value>/admin/patients/patientForm</value></property>
<property name="successView"><value>patient.form</value></property>
in this case you do need to change something, i.e. the formView property value needs to be changed to point to the new place in your module that the JSP has moved to.
You can do similar things with the (very few?) @Controller-driven pages.
Hopefully this helps. @tharunya, a lot has been said on this thread, so I’m going to hold off on saying anymore until you’ve had a chance to digest this, and ask something new…