Call to review and update our documentation

The documentation team is calling upon community members to pick interest in the Trello board, as you review and assist in updating our documentation. There are various tasks outlined in the Up Next section, with sufficient information for members to begin working on. You can assign yourself a card on the Trello board.

Looking forward to seeing a great team getting involved in updating our documentation. @dev null, @dev1, @dev2, @dev3, @dev4, @dev5


thanks @gracebish

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Thanks @gracebish for this cc @grace @jennifer

1 Like I can see bcklog, Upnext, WIP, completed , Documentation goal .can you help me with the meaning of these sections? thanks @gracebish

Thanks @achilep. There is a Backlog section with tickets that are under development, Up Next is for the cards or tickets ready for work, WIP is the Work In Progress section with already assigned tickets and Documentation goal highlights the target of the squad. Just in case you get interested in a ticket or card, please pick one in the Up Next section.


thanks @gracebish


Thanks @gracebish

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