I am using an old version of the reporting module 0.6.2 for an implementation that uses OpenMRS 1.6. I am not very proficient with the module so mine could end up being a very basic query. I have successfully used the reporting module to create reports earlier using CohortCrossTabDataSetDefinition, CohortDefinition’s and their associated Evaluators. I am stuck due to a requirement regarding the following report which needs percentages. I have used the definitions to generate absolute numbers and now need help for the percentages.
I am using the reporting module in the following vain:
Concept newCase = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(TbConcepts.NEW_CASE[0]);
CohortDefinition allNew =Cohorts.getAllSuspectsByInvestigationPurpose(startDate, endDate, newCase,false);
Concept culture = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(TbConcepts.CULTURE_CONSTRUCT[0]);
CohortDefinition allCulture = Cohorts.getAllByTestType(startDate, endDate, culture,true);
dstTable.addRow("Culture", allCulture, null);
dstTable.addRow("1LineDST", allDST1, null);
dstTable.addColumn("AbsNew", allNew, null);
dstTable.addColumn("AbsPrev", allPrevious, null);
report.addDataSetDefinition("tbl", dstTable, null);
I would be glad if I can be pointed to the right choice of Dataset or any other way this can be done. Thanks