Bulk insert drugs into Concept Drugs

Can anyone help me in inserting bulk entries into the ‘Concept Drugs’ so that it becomes searchable in the ‘Order Entry Module’:

Are you able to add any drug via concept drugs haven’t experienced that use case of adding bulk entries while implementing order entry at DHS , According to this link, you only need to add searchable drugs per drugs using concept drugs for owa to retrieve ,cc @ruhanga may throw some light thanks

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@ankitm, @sharif, a very good tool to populate OpenMRS instances with metadata is the Initializer module. The project is well documented on its usage in the readmes. For drug specifically, you’ll look into the ‘concepts’ and drugs domain documentations on how to load them.

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Thanks @ruhanga for your clarification

CIEL includes the WHO essential drug list in the drug table, plus most drugs in the concept table. If there is a particular list of drugs needed, I would be interested to know what they are.

Thanks @akanter , @ankitm do you have any specific drug that would wish to include as suggested by @akanter

Thanks for your help. I was able to resolve the issue. So, after updating the database, I’d forgotten to re-index it. That’s why the new values were not visible.

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