Build failure while trying to host OpenMRS on AWS

Application Name: Reference Application

Version Number: 2.10.0

Issue: I am trying to host an OpenMRS instance on an EC2 server, and the process reaches the part where it says ‘INFO: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext’. Sometimes, it just stays there until I have to reboot the EC2 server. Other times, it would actually say BUILD FAILURE.

Here is the the link to the log output:

Here is also a link to a screenshot of the setup wizard:

I installed all the prereq’s to run OpenMRS-SDK, and I created a new server called ‘ntd_server’ which is a distribution server that deploys Reference Application 2.10.0.

Next, I just try to run the uicommons module on the ‘ntd_server’; the first line in the log output shows that. I have also tried to run other modules (e.g. basicmodule), but I also get the same output.

I would appreciate any kind of guidance in this issue.

Did you resolve this?