BUILD FAILURE: openmrs-api test is failing

I am getting this error when I try to mvn clean package. I cloned the repository and tried again but the exact error popped up again. Would love for some inputs for resolving this issue.


I encountered a similar issue while using Maven 3.9.9 with JAVA_HOME initially set to Java 8. I managed to resolve it by updating the Maven configuration to use Java 17.

Here’s what worked for me:

I added the following line at the beginning of the mvn.cmd file:

set JAVA_HOME=C:\apps\17.0.13-win32-x86_64

This adjustment successfully resolved the issue. I hope this helps anyone facing the same problem!

Best regards,

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Thank you!

Actually I am trying to follow the readme instructions and am using mvn clean package, is that the way to go to start contributing? As I’m reading the blog on the website which tells me to set up a server using docker so I got confused. I’m new to this so still learning :smiley: Any help would be appreciated

What does this command return for you? mvn -v

Switch to Java 17 and compile again.

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Thank you! That worked. I installed the server and I’m looking for documentation regarding reference application, is there a difference between using that and legacy UI in terms of contributing?

We are moving away from the legacy UI to new modern frontend technologies as you can see here:

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Thank you, I’ll check the documentation for the same

I’m not able to setup my O3 module, I’m going the SDK route but it’s freezing on the server line and not proceeding at all when I enter 8080, I’m not quite able to figure out what I’m doing wrong

I got it haha, silly mistake

Hello I had setup the latest sdk and ran it on my terminal, but after a point it gave me this error and now I’m not able to re-run the mvn run on the terminal as it’s responding that a process is already running on the port. Love for some inputs regarding the possible solutions