BUILD FAILURE on running mvn clean install on openmrs-contrib-qaframework

yeah that is okay by me. thanks

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You send me a reminder 30 minutes before time.

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Hey @mherman22 won’t make it as planned. Will be available at 8:30 pm, let me know if it works for you too!

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Thanks @kdaud lets do 10:30 am Monday morning

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You send me a reminder 30 minutes to time!

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After looking into the pom.xml configurations for operating systems, I discovered devs using windows os at the moment can not simulate tests locally.

                                <chmod file="target/test-classes/chromedriver/mac/chromedriver" perm="755" />
                                <chmod file="target/test-classes/chromedriver/linux/chromedriver" perm="755" />
                                <chmod file="target/test-classes/firefoxdriver/mac/geckodriver" perm="755"/>
                                <chmod file="target/test-classes/firefoxdriver/linux/geckodriver" perm="755"/>

Am now looking into RATEST-193 to have the issue sorted out soon!

cc: @dkayiwa @sharif @ibacher @mherman22 @bistenes

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Eagerly awaiting the work on the above ticket. Thanks @kdaud for working relentlessly

Well done @kdaud , @mherman22 are you still facing the same challenge as above ?

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Yeah,but I believe that will be resolved in the ticket above quoted by @kdaud since it addressses exactly what I’m facing
the qaframework/pom.xml file doesn’t address windows os but only linux and mac

Check executions in the attachment Here

Sounds good , Probably lets give time to @kdaud for a solution am also looking deeply into that meanwhile .

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Have made a PR to cater for devs using windows os.

cc: @dkayiwa @ibacher

Reviewed and merged!


@mherman22 pull the latest changes from qaframework and things should work fine.


thanks for the work, let me try it out

Building qaframework module using mvn clean install -DskipTests=true to install the dependencies on windows os should be now passing.

Still figuring why running an existing workflow is failing. Well am using a virtual simulation for windows os and not sure whether geeks running windows os workflows are passing. @mherman22 @sharif are you observing the same scenario ?

Building qaframework module using mvn clean install -DskipTests=true to install the dependencies on windows os should be now passing.

Still figuring why running an existing workflow is failing. Well am using a virtual simulation for windows os and not sure whether geeks running windows os tests are passing. @mherman22 @sharif are you observing the same scenario

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Sorry am currently running on linux os ,May be @mherman22 can update us

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The individual workflows still fail even when the dependencies are installed successfully and throw a BUILD SUCCESS

This is a success !

Are the logs the same for both firefox and chrome driver? If not share their respective logs

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Actually it is the same log all throughout. And Here you go