Thank you @grace
I created this set of tickets and added them to the epic:
- [O3-1921] Editing a patient list causes an error - OpenMRS Issues
- [O3-1922] Patient list breadcrumbs should display the list name - OpenMRS Issues
- [O3-1923] Delete patient list option doesn't work - OpenMRS Issues
- [O3-1924] Empty patient list doesn't show the patient count - OpenMRS Issues
- [O3-1925] Patient list starring option doesn't work - OpenMRS Issues
- [O3-1926] Patient list type is not displayed on the table - OpenMRS Issues
- [O3-1927] Patient list tabs doesn't switch the content - OpenMRS Issues
If the epic contains too many tasks, let’s detach some of the tickets from the epic.
- O3-1922 and O3-1924 are less complex tasks, so I think new contributors can work on those.
- O3-1921, O3-1923 and O3-1925 may require some changes in the backend
cc: @vasharma05