Branching 2.1.x and alpha release on Friday March 3

This is done. We now have a 2.1.x release branch and a 2.1.0-alpha tag.

We currently plan for 2.1.0 to be a lightweight release of openmrs-core, and not a full Platform LTS release (see the conversation here), so I have released the WAR to sourceforge, but I have not released a standalone or platform with bundled modules.

Release process notes (I’m not actually addressing these issues now because I’m pressed for time, and I know that @raff is going to look at cleaning up this process soon):

  • our Platform Release Process wiki page still says “subversion” 10 times. Should replace with git/github
  • In Alpha Release 1.a.i. the command mvn release:branch -DbranchName=1.8.x -Dusername=<scm-username> -Dpassword=<scm-password> fails.
  • The failing command is git push djazayeri:****
  • Error message is ssh: Could not resolve hostname djazayeri: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
  • I modified the scm urls a bit, and I updated the version of maven-release-plugin, but it still fails in the same way. (And I later reverted these changes.)
  • next step would be to change the scm urls from git: to https: but I don’t have time to test for possible side effects if I do this, so I’m going to fall back to branching manually.
  • The “Automatic Maven way” of doing the release failed for me, because mvn release:prepare failed with many errors about javadoc and then when I resolved that I got the same error as above about failing to push.
  • the solution mentioned here works We need your help to get OpenMRS running Java 8 (I don’t know why this wasn’t necessary in 2.0.x)
  • the javadoc errors we are ignoring are here:
  • I got around this by doing the release from bamboo, which for some reason was listed as the third option instead of the first.
  • I skipped steps 12-15 (preparing the platform and the standalone) due to the conversation here.