shutting down

So apparently is shutting down on November 5th, 2018. OpenMRS uses it for its IRC logs.

Apparently – we can deploy it on our infra.

CC @cintiadr @burke

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Thanks @r0bby for sharing this!

How do you manage to keep an eye on all these things! :smile:

I just happened to see a banner at the top of it.

Thanks for the heads-up!

I’d expected to receive an email, but well.

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I have tested to acquint myself with it already :smile:

I was looking for the irc logs of last week and rushed here, only to notice that the link was not loading. Then i remembered that @r0bby raised this.

@cintiadr @burke are we going to deploy it on our infra as @r0bby suggested?

You should :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t oppose at all, but I need someone to do that work (put together the docker compose, bot, secrets, volumes) and get a pull request.

If you can run locally, it’s trivial for me to deploy and run.

I won’t have the time to do so any time soon.

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has this been deployed on infra as suggested yet??

Hope you can read her statement again


We know have logbot enabled :slight_smile: