Am followed thiswiki when setting up qadev environment. Have encountered an exception when checking out a branch bdd
against openmrs-contrib-uitestframework
master so as to compile its bdd
Steps Followed
1. Have cloned the the repo
2. Ran git checkout bdd against the local repo
Got exception:
opensource@opensource-OptiPlex-3010:~/qadev/openmrs-contrib-uitestframework$ git checkout bdd
error: pathspec ‘bdd’ did not match any file(s) known to git.
cc: @k.joseph
well i dont think we have this branch on that module,what does git branch -a return
bbd means Behavior-driven development - Wikipedia its not a branch,this is also indicated in the wiki page you are following
The branch exists as per this guideline . Have just realised linking the local repo cloned from my fork to upstream repo makes the branch bdd
does appear from the local repo.
point me to that section
Under the sub-section labeled: Compile UITestFramework
I quote from the doc
This is the Reference application distribution’s user interface test framework, it uses selenium for its webdriver.
Clone and compile its bdd branch
git clone
git checkout bdd
mvn clean install
arght i have seen the section
before checkout, run git fetch --all
It works out pretty cool. Thanks