This is really exciting, and we will be looking closely into that particular item in the next month.
What does this mean for the Android client, are you looking at deprecating it eventually?
Cc: @mksrom and @ouiliam
@gsluthra / @shruthipitta, great to hear about all of the features in Bahmni. Keep up the good work!
I’m curious about the Audit Logs listed above, and described in this Mingle Card. This sounds like a generically useful OpenMRS feature, rather than something that needs to be limited to just Bahmni (it is implemented in bahmni-core correct?). Any chance you’d be interested in extracting this out into a more general-purpose module?
From v0.89 onwards, the PWA version of Bahmni Connect is the recommended way for people to use Bahmni Connect. The Chrome app has been deprecated. Android App is still supported. The Android app shares the same frontend code as the PWA app – but has differences in the service layers to store data locally.
With PWA, one just needs to open the connect app in the browser by entering the URL for the Connect App on the server. The Chrome browser then caches the files locally, and you can use Bahmni Connect from then on in offline mode. The “sync” button allows a client to sync two-way patient data with the server.
We haven’t decided on deprecating the Android app right now. Might need to revisit this decision again later.
I have added the above clarification to the Release Notes page too.
We did discuss the possibility of writing a generic Audit Logging module. Then we realised that the Audit Logging events were actually “Bahmni events” and not OpenMRS events. For instance, we wanted to ensure we log events like:
“X User accessed patient P1’s records”. Or “X patient ran report R1” - etc. These events are actually going to be triggered by the UI, when someone opens say the Clinical Dashboard for a patient, or runs a Report in Bahmni.
The above scenarios trigger a number of API calls on OpenMRS side, but are all logically a single event from Bahmni UI perspective. So – we didn’t want to integrate Audit Logging into OpenMRS APIs (like how some people use AoP for this).
But yes – the framework is generic in a way – it receives an event packet (Event Type, User, Time, Patient(optional), Message, etc). That could likely be extracted to OpenMRS and then people can hook into it from their own modules to generate Audit Log events. Is this what you wanted to suggest @mseaton?
Our initial plans for Audit Log was to go down Log4j/GrayLog way – but I felt it introduced needless tech complexity, when all our customers needed was an easy report view of events in a chronological manner. See more information here: Trello
@gsluthra, exactly right. It sounds like the backend implementation - having a service layer capable of storing and retrieving a history of generic events - would be generically useful. If we move that to a module, along with a few web services for interacting with these services, and a small javascript library to support logging events from any UI application, that would be interesting.
Then, a simple OWA that supports viewing this log, filtering it by event type, user, date/time, patient, message regex, etc could be written that could be leveraged in multiple distributions.
Just a thought…I don’t know exactly the Bahmni use case, but any opportunities we have to enable the community to utilize (and help support and enhance) modular functionality more broadly, is worth considering.
@mseaton We have separated audit log in to a different omod However, for now we capture user_id, patient_id, event_type, message, date_created.